Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Beginnings

Here I finally am!! It has taken quite awhile for me to hit the blogging scene, but I have finally done it. The name for my blog comes courtesy of my two year old grandaughter Baylee who for months now has called me not Grandma, not Nana, but Honey. Why she picked up this name for me is not known, but I am guessing that it comes from the fact that I call her Honey alot. When she wants me to come with her, she says "C'mon Honey". When I do something for her, or give her a treat she says "Thank you Honey". I absolutely love it when she calls me that and so I decided it would be a fun title for my blog since everything on my blog will come from....Honey's House.


  1. Love the story about how your blog got it's name. Sweet. I am struggling to get my oqn blog started too. Good luck.

  2. OK, dead end... what happened to the blog hop trail?? :)

  3. Welcome to blog-ville. Where do we go next for the blog hop??

  4. I wonder what happened??
    I liked the story but was surprised not to find adorn-it info here...

  5. Missing the link--will have to go back to find the next link!!

  6. I love your name. When we were young (5 of us) we called our daddy "honey". That is what my mom called him. We called him "honey" until the youngest started school and came home and wanted to know why she didn't have a daddy! So our parents sat us down and said it was time to him daddy.
